Anticipating Chinese New Year — Chinese Soul Food

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Anticipating Chinese New Year


Anticipating Chinese New Year

Hsiao-Ching Chou

Author's Note: For the month of November, I am participating in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month) and pledge to post once a day.

Chinese New Year will fall on Feb. 8, 2016. It's my favorite holiday and I love making the symbolic feast. You can read this 2010 Edible Portland article I wrote about the significance of Chinese New Year to me.

I'm thinking about CNY now, because I'm toying with the idea of creating a pop-up dinner Hot Stove Society. I'm still working on the concept and logistics, but I'll share details when they become available. In the meantime, watch this commercial that aired on CCTV. I saw it on Facebook prior to CNY this year. It recently resurfaced. It's a sweet reminder of the meaning of CNY: family reunions, history and tradition, community and lots of amazing food.

La Fête du Printemps: #Baguettes

Posted by CCTV on Tuesday, February 3, 2015